Does The Real Housewives of New Jersey Danielle Staub have a sex tape? Well that is what many sources are saying and that the illicit video will soon be released. This is one hot topic and the subject of Right Celebrity’s fun contest Caption This, so keep reading, as always there are pictures and a video too.
Watch Danielle Staub sextape video online and free here>>>
According to TMZ.com Danielle Staub, of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, has a sex tape that will soon be released. Yep the celebrity gossip site is claiming that Hustler Inc. is set to sell the 75 minute XXX video featuring Staub and a mystery man. The 47 year old mother of two, who is extremely hated on the show by her costars and some fans too, has not responded to these accusations made by Hustler Inc.
Watch Danielle Staub sextape video online and free here>>>
There will be more on the latest indiscretion with Danielle in a moment but first I want to tell you about our Caption This contest. Every Tuesday a hot new topic accompanied with a picture will be posted so you our faithful readers can give your two cents on it. You can comment as many times as you like then every Friday a winner will be announced. What do you win, well your name if print and the satisfaction of knowing you had the best caption, sounds fun right! Now back to the topic at hand.
TMZ further reports that Staub filmed the video last September, months after she had gained famed on the hit Bravo reality TV show. Hustler Inc. is supposedly planning on releasing the video on June 14th. Staub is no stranger to drama since stepping into the limelight she has written a tell all about the show, her party girl ways surfaced in season one and finally her criminal past caught up with her.
Watch Danielle Staub sextape video online and free here>>>
There is a rumor that The Real Housewives of New Jersey Danielle Staub has a sex tape and that Hustler Inc. will soon be releasing it. I for one would not be surprised if this is true and at the same time completely grossed out. Seriously who would want to watch a naked Danielle getting in on with some guy, gross but hey that is just my opinion. Now give me yours by participating in our Caption This game, you can comment as many times as you like and then check back on Friday to see if you are the winner!