The signs are all there: The hip-grinding come-ons. Legs kicked up to the ear. Skin-baring lingerie.
WATCH 7 year old single ladies VIDEO here>>
This particular video remake of Beyoncé's 2008 hit "Single Ladies" follows a rubric of raunchy moves straight out of the pole-dance manual.
But the performers, according to published reports, are 7-year-olds.
Their satin-and-lace hooker look screams Lolita. The whole two-minute display seems one crotch-shot short of illegal.
And with nearly 2 million hits, the clip of five enthusiastically gyrating grade-schoolers (dubbed "Little Girls Going Hard on Single Ladies") taped at the World of Dance Competition in Pomona, Calif., last month has gone viral.
We could get child psychologists on the phone to opine about what a bad thing this is, to shed light on the vulnerable 7-year-old psyche and the crucial development of a girl's sense of self at that age. But we know what they would say: That global girldom needs more emphasis on intellect and independence, not less. That being cheered on for dressing and moving like strippers teaches girls a disturbing, belittling lesson. And that's what's so bewildering about this video: We know it's wrong. Didn't their parents know it was wrong?
It isn't prudish to think 7-year-olds ought to look like 7-year-olds. It's prudent. Twisted minds are surely drooling over the exhibitionism of the Beyoncé bunch. Pedophiles don't need more kindling on their deranged fires, but displays like this one shovel it on. And put other little girls at risk.