Five students at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, California, were sent home yesterday for wearing American flag T-shirts to school, according to MorganHillTimes.com. Bosses at the school wouldn't comment on the situation, but sophomore Matt Dariano said, "They said we were starting a fight, we were fuel to the fire."
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The boys wearing American flags (MorganHillTimes.com)
Apparently the five students were sitting around during their brunch break when the principal came over and asked them to come to his office. He then called in the kids' parents and instructed the boys to turn their shirts inside-out or be sent home. They opted for the latter.
The school was reportedly worried that fights might break out between these boys and around 100 other students who'd worn red, green and white in honor of Cinco de Mayo.
The Morgan Hill School District said in a statement: "In an attempt to foster a spirit of cultural awareness and maintain a safe and supportive school environment, the Live Oak High School administration took certain actions earlier today. The district does not concur with the Live Oak High School administration's interpretation of either board or district policy related to these actions."