An airport service vehicle struck and killed two dogs belonging to John Travolta last week at Bangor International Airport in Maine. The accident occurred last Thursday morning; city officials confirmed the story to the Bangor Daily News today.
WATCH scandalous paparazzi video with John Travolta dogs HERE!!!>>>
"The airport takes safety very seriously," airport director Rebecca Hupp told the BDN, adding the facility generally does not name its visitors for the sake of privacy. "Many flights come and go without incidents. Clearly, this is an unfortunate accident. Our deepest sympathies are with the family."
Travolta and wife Kelly Preston own a home on Isleboro, Maine -- the family was traveling by way of Bangor. The actor's publicist, Paul Bloch, told the BDN that he was not aware of the incident.
Bangor interim city manager Bob Farrar e-mailed the nine city councilors about the accident late last week. The city released the following statement to the BDN:
"At approximately 1 a.m. on Thursday, May 13, 2010, an airplane carrying members of the John Travolta family landed at BIA. While there, two small dogs were taken for a walk by someone who is not a family member. An airport service pickup truck was approaching the airplane to service the airplane and did not see the dogs. Unfortunately, the dogs were struck and killed. The airport is investigating the accident. Out of respect for the family's privacy the city will make no further comment."
Travolta, who starred in 'Old Dogs' in 2009 and voiced a computer-animated canine in 2008's 'Bolt,' is a serious pilot who often flies himself into Bangor's modest airport. The Bangor Daily News was unsure whether Travolta was flying the plane on the day of the incident.